Please click the Paypal button in the shopping cart! You will be redirected to Paypal
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After payment at Paypal you will be directed back to a download page at this site.
You will also recieve an email with a download link. Be sure to enter a valid email adress at Paypal!
Rather annoyingly, Paypal sometimes sends a confirmation link that takes the place in the browser window. If this appears
before you have clicked the download link, please go back in the browser history to find the download page! Or you can use the
link in the confirmation email.
The shopping cart needs some cookies to work. These cookies will only be used for this purpose.
When you are redirected to Paypal, Paypal will use cookies for the functionality of their site and also for their own commercial purposes. This is beyond the control
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However, when you make a payment at Paypal, Classical Guitar Guide will get information about your name, email-adress and amount payed. This information will only be used for communication with you,
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